Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 17: February 7, 2013

Well, the sun did not come back as strongly as I would have liked, but it's a start! The rain clouds continue to inhabit the sky, but the sun is trying to find its way out. It looked as though there was just a yellow glow coming out from behind the thick clouds which created a subtle transition from night to day.

Day 16: February 6, 2013

And just once the sunrises started to get extremely breathtaking, the rain came! I really do love it when it rains, but it took away my picturesque sunrise for day 16. We can only hope the sun will return full and bright tomorrow...

Day 15: February 5, 2013

The sunrise I caught a picture of today was one during dawn and is quite common. But for some reason the deep blues and contrasting oranges don't always show up. Well, I'm not complaining, it is always so nice to look out my window to see these great colors!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 14: February 4, 2013

Yesterday, I unfortunately forgot to take a picture of the sunrise! So, I took a picture of the next best thing.... the sunset! The sun goes down behind me, but you can still see the sun in the reflection of the buildings. The colors and look of the sky were very similar to a sunrise, except that I could not directly see the sun.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 13: February 3, 2013

The sunrise today was so bright, I could hardly even take this picture! This sunrise was taken later in the morning, at about 7:30 AM, but I find that these pictures can actually be nicer. The clouds were also pretty cool and made a nice scene for the sun to rise.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 12: February 2, 2013

If the groundhog looked for its shadow in Hawaii, this sunrise would have made it easy for him to find! The sun was bright and the day was clear. Sunrises like this just make you want to get up, grab the paper, make some coffee, and sit outside. I know not all of us are morning people, but how could you not be with a sunrise as nice as this?

Day 11: February 1, 2013

The first sunrise of February was a nice thing to wake up to during a new month. There were a few dark clouds throughout the sky along with a blue tone, resembling the sunrise of Day 9. But below all of this was the yellow glow that tells us the sun is quickly approaching and ready to rise for the second month of 2013.

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Sunrises of January

Since January is now over, I would like to compare the sunrises day by day as they happened this month. Even though the month is not full, the sunrises were still really diverse and became very interesting as the days progressed so differently. The pictures go from left to right, starting with Day 1. 


Day 10: January 31, 2013

The sunrise today is one of my favorites. The colors are really vibrant and distinct and it was really nice to watch it form into this. Its really nice how the colors fade as they move farther away from the sun, but still continue to hold some form of color. I hope there will be more sunrises like this!

Day 9: January 30, 2013

This sunrise is a big change from what I have been seeing the last two days. The sun is bright and gives a nice blue touch to the new day. There are a few clouds quite low in the sky, but the sun found a way to reappear brightly once again.

Day 8: January 29, 2013

The skies are still dark, but at least they let a bit of the sun shine through. I actually like this sunrise because even though it is not that vibrant, you can still see the subtle glow of the sun on the clouds, water, and on the building. This one was not a real jaw-dropper, but at least there was more light than yesterday!

Day 7: January 28, 2013

The sunrise  today was really not a sunrise at all. We have been having "flash flooding". Well really all I've seen are just some cloudy and dark skies like this. Even though this is not a beautiful sunrise like there have been on other days, I thought I would include it. It is good to have for two reasons. One, just because we do not see the sunrise from where we are, we can still be reassured that it rose somewhere else. And two, we shouldn't take for granted a great sunrise everyday because it will not always be so.